
Tradition and modernity

In the restaurants of La Alberca you will enjoy the best typical cuisine of the area accompanied by spectacular views and quality service. Amongst our specialties, the roast meats cooked in wood-burning oven served with a wide range of good wines stand out.

Restaurant Las Bóvedas

Our large "Las Bóvedas" restaurant, looking out onto the mountains and surrounded by our gardens and lakes, is a great place for a pleasant lunch or dinner. We have an extensive yet select menu, combining typical cuisine from the area with a modern spin.

Restaurant Las Bóvedas
Restaurant Las Bóvedas

Restaurant La Catedral

This cosy restaurant is just 1 km from the Abadía de los Templarios complex, in the main square of La Alberca. It is a typical wood and stone building from this region, with a warm, homey feeling. It is known for its traditional cuisine featuring roast meats cooked over oak coals in the purest mountain style.

Restaurant La Catedral
Restaurant La Catedral

Café Mudéjar

The hotel café is a large yet welcoming space where you can have a cup of coffee or a drink in a warm, peaceful setting.

Café Mudéjar